ASME type Venturi Tubes

ASME type Venturi Tubes.

A complete line of differential pressure ASME Herschel type venturis are manufactured by Imperial. These type of flow elements have been universally accepted as the most efficient primary devices available. Noo other type of venturi or flow tube design has been more thoroughly researched, tested and proven.

Imperial Venturis have been in operation in petrochemical, refining, gas pipeline, water sewage and power plants. They are used whenever low pressure loss, high accuracy, short straight piping or fluid containing solids are encountered.

Each Imperial Venturi is desgned and manufactured for a specific beta retio or throat diameter necessary to reoduse the desired differential pressure consistent with minimun pressure loss, piping requirements, and best accreacy or measurement. Also a new approach is used to attach up and down stream cones to the throat to manage the best possible velocity prefile in the throat.

The completeness of published research data permits Imperial to provide the venturis with .75% accuracy without the need of laboratory flow calibration. This high accuracy is sustained indefinitely since there are no sharp edged protrusions to wear.

Due to the low pressure loss, a venturi saves the user many dollars and frequently pays for itself in one year of continuous operation by greatly reducing pumping cost. If lower pressure loss is required please consider the flow tube or our TA2% low loss design.

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